'La Vista Da Qui' is Italian for 'The View From Here'.
This blog is intended to be a messageboard for my views and opinions. Feel free to agree or disagree. Enjoy...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Death of a Rafter. Has Oz Lost the Plot?

It's come to my attention that I must be the only person in Australia who doesn't watch 'Packed to the Rafters'.

The outpouring of grief over Facebook last week over a characters death had me thinking that a real life mutual friend had died.

And apparantly Channel 7 News included the on-screen death as part of their bulletin.

So obviously this is a very popular show. However I was still taken aback by the commotion this caused. It truely was as if a prominent Australian had died tragically.

Now today, just to ramp things up to a new level, News website http://www.news.com.au/ has an article where a top psychologist is handing out a depression warning brought on by the death of the Rafters character.

I had to read the opening paragraph of the article again just to make sure I wasn't going crazy.

Dr Jan Hall is recommending that viewers remind themselves it's only a tv show (really?) and to go out and get some exercise to promote endorphins or watch a soppy DVD to release pent up emotions. (I wonder how long she studied at uni to give out that advice?)

Has Australia gone crazy?

Now I'm the first to admit I have a cry at just about anything even slightly emotional on tv. And no matter how many times I see Buffy send Angel into Hell I still bawl my eyes out every time.

But come on! I know it's only a show! They've got to be kidding themselves right? I don't know anyone who would slip into a depression over the death of a tv character. And to be quite honest, if I did then I'd seriously be worried about their well being!

Surely this article is a joke? Maybe some good PR work by Channel 7? That's the only explanation I have. I mean a show that barely registered on my radar before last week has been thrown into my face just about everyday now. It's gotta be the PR machine.... or Australia really has gone bonkers.

1 comment:

  1. I don't watch Rafters. Here and there I'll see a lil bit but the bad acting, and super corny story lines usually have me running for the hills. I don't doubt depression as a result of film or television. I wouldn't talk to anyone for weeks after 24 season 8 wrapped up, and let's not forget my stint of Post Avatar depression. I knocked Kahlee out and tried to paint her blue!
