'La Vista Da Qui' is Italian for 'The View From Here'.
This blog is intended to be a messageboard for my views and opinions. Feel free to agree or disagree. Enjoy...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Biggest Critic

Walking into a big, open room full of women undressing, I quickly scan around to find the quietest, most discreet area where I can try on a pair of jeans and a dress.

I hate this part, I remember from last time. It's not like I'm overly worried about other girls seeing me in my undies, I've done it countless times before,  I'd just be more comfortable in the privacy of my own change room. When there's a door no one can see if you tried to squeeze on a too small item of clothing that you talked yourself into trying just in case.

I walk over to an emptyish corner and put down my things. Shit! Did I wear good undies today? I really should have shaved my legs. Maybe my stomach would be flatter if I had skipped breakfast?

I try to be like Superman. Can I whip of my skirt and put those jeans on faster than a speeding bullet? Probably not, but I'll sure as hell try.

Undies are good and the new jeans are on. They fit like a glove. Now I've gotta do it all again for the dress.

I start to switch clothes and from the middle of the room I hear a young, skinny, pretty thing remark ''Oh, we all just look the same with no clothes on don't we?'' and I stop.

It hits me. Why am I being so silly about trying to get changed so quick? Nobody is looking at me. Nobody is judging me. Everybody is too busy looking at and judging themselves.

It's true. We all have things we don't like about ourselves. Some of us hate our thighs, some our tummies, some a whole bunch of stuff but at the end of the day we all are the same.

Whether we are fat, thin, average, whatever! Stop worrying about what others think because nobody is more critical of us than ourselves.

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